GMAT Preparation Course

In all of the NESE On-Line Test Preparation courses, your instructor will certainly focus on the knowledge needed to help you obtain a high score. However, she will also teach you what is idiomatically called, "the tricks of the trade". These are techniques such as skimming a reading passage for meaning (rather than reading each word slowly), scanning the text for particular pieces of information, assuming the meaning of a word from the surrounding context, eliminating choices which are obviously incorrect quickly, and learning the standard types of questions so that you can more efficiently respond to each reading passage or structural choice. You will also be given many practice tests, which will be corrected by your instructor. As the saying goes, “practice makes perfect”.

We know these exams are stressful, but by taking a course to help you best prepare, you maximize the chance of achieving your goals and being accepted into the college or university of your choice.

  • 2 Hours per Day - 2 Days per week - 6 Weeks
  • Minimum Level 7 Required to Take Course
  • Improve Critical Reasoning, Sentence Completion and Reading Comprehension Skills for Verbal Reasoning Section
  • Review Mathematics to Successfully Complete Word Problems for the Quantitative Reasoning Section
  • Refine Understanding of Written and Visual Data for Correct Analysis and Interpretation
  • Enhance Writing Skills to Present and Support an Effective Written Argument
  • Acquire Test-Taking Techniques
  • All NESE On-Line Teachers are Native Speakers (Always)
  • 30 Years of NESE Curriculum Research & Development Provide Foundation for Course
  • Certificates Awarded Upon Course Completion

NESE On-Line's GMAT Preparation course helps MBA applicants attain the GMAT score required for them to gain admission into competitive MBA programs. The GMAT has four sections and NESE’s course focuses attention on all of these sections. Throughout every section of the course, general test-taking strategies are taught, practiced and refined.

This section includes multiple-choice questions and focuses on general knowledge of basic arithmetic, algebra and geometry. Students have 62 minutes for this section and calculators are not permitted. Students need to review math skills for this section and thus, NESE instructors are prepared to review such skills with students.

The Verbal Section of the GMAT exam includes the following question types: reading comprehension, critical reasoning, and sentence correction. The reading comprehension question type tests ability to analyze information and draw a conclusion and can consist of more than one paragraph while the other question types include shorter sentences and texts.

This section of the GMAT exam tests data analysis, trend and information extrapolation and the ability to reach appropriate and logical conclusions. This section measures a test taker's ability to evaluate data presented in multiple formats and from multiple sources: graphics interpretation, two-part analysis, table analysis, and multi-source reasoning.

The Analytical Writing portion of the GMAT exam is the only “productive” component and often causes students the most stress. By receiving careful instruction in how to write clearly and effectively, and practicing these skills on specific essay questions, students gain confidence in their ability to express themselves powerfully. Students are asked to articulate complex ideas clearly while showing sufficient support for them, and NESE’s expert writing instructors make this task possible for even reluctant writers.

Never be afraid to make a mistake. Your teacher is here to help you. If you try and are correct, that is to your credit. If you try and you make a mistake, that is an ideal opportunity for your teacher to help you, and for you to learn something new. Trying is important; perfection 100% of the time is not. Remember, “Mistakes are not important; Understanding is”TM